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«School life»

Ход урока

I. Начало урока.


Организационный момент:

Teacher: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. How are you? I’m glad you are fine. Today we continue speaking about school and we’ll speak about our school, your favourite subjects and get acquainted with Dima, a schoolboy from Kaluga. But first of all I’d like to ask you one question:

Do you like to go to school or not? Why?

Possible answers: P.1 I like school because it’s fun.

P.2 I like school because I like to study. . .

Teacher: I see that most of you like school, and I do hope you go there to get new information and become smarter. But I think these are not the only reasons why you come to school. Could you tell what else you like to do at school, I mean at the lesson and during the breaks. Look at the screen, choose the answer you like best and make up a sentence (Слайд 2).

(Учащиеся составляют предложения из предложенных им на экране фраз).

Possible answers: P.1 We learn new words at the lesson.

P.2 We run between desks during the break . . .

II. Автоматизация ранее усвоенного материала.

Teacher: I was right. You go to school mostly because you like to study. But you know that very responsible pupils study even in summer. We got a letter from Dima Kruglov, a twelve year old schoolboy from Kiev. In his letter he described his studies at a foreign summer school. Let’s read his letter and answer some questions on the text then. (Слайд 3)

(Текст выведен на экран, также каждому ребёнку раздаётся печатный вариант текста - приложение 1. Три - четыре человека читают текст вслух, а затем отвечают на предложенные вопросы).


1.     Where did Dima study in summer?

2.     How much time did he spend in Scotland?

3.     How did he spend three hours in the morning at school?

4.     What did they do at the lessons?

5.     Do you think he liked the school?

Teacher: I also think he liked his summer school very much and what about you, do you like your school, what do you do at the lessons? Let’s grant Dima’s request and write short letters to him.

(Слайд 4) You are to work in pairs.

(Детям раздаются заранее подготовленные письма - "заготовки” - приложение 2, которые им необходимо дополнить. Две - три пары зачитывают свои письма).

Teacher: I see you are good pupils and you do much at the lesson, too. But are you always well-prepared for the lesson, do you always bring everything you need at the lesson? Let’s recollect what you need at different lessons. (Слайды 5-19)

(Детям показываются изображения различных школьных принадлежностей, они называют их).

Teacher: And what do you need them for? (Слайд 20)

Teacher: Very good, you are very diligent pupils, you know what to take to school. But do you remember the names of the subjects at which you use them? They are on the screen, let’s decode them. (Слайд 21)

Teacher: Well done, you are good decoders; you remember the names of your subjects, and what about the time you have them? Do you know your timetable well? Look at the screen and say what subjects are missing in it? (Слайды 22-23)

(Учащиеся называют отсутствующие в расписании предметы, которые обозначены знаком "?”, затем проверяют себя).

Teacher: And what is your favourite subject and why?

(Несколько учащихся отвечают на данный вопрос с опорой на образец – Слайд 24).

Teacher: Very well. Our friend Dima also has some favourite subjects. He sent us an audio letter in which he and his classmate Olga told us about them and about something else. Let’s listen to their stories. Your task is to fill in the table with the missing information while listening (Ex. 1p. 90). (Слайд 25)

(Учащиеся первый раз слушают текст, затем во время второго прослушивания они заполняют предложенные им таблицы (приложение 3), после чего осуществляется проверка правильности заполнения – Слайд 26).

Teacher: So you see not all pupils wear a school uniform: Olga does and Dima doesn’t. Do you wear a school uniform?

III. Домашнее задание: упражнение 2 страница 91.

IV. Подведение итогов урока и выставление оценок: Everybody was very active today, everybody tried to share his opinion today so I think I should give only good and excellent marks today. And I want you to work this way at every lesson. Our lesson is over, good-bye.








Приложение 1.

Dear pen-friends,

         My name is Dima. I am 10. I travelled a lot this summer. In August I went abroad. I spent two weeks in Scotland at Summer School. It was a big new school. There were a lot of classrooms there. The classrooms were large and light. Would you like to know what we did there?

         In the morning we spent 3 hours learning English. At the lessons we read and discussed texts, learned English poems by heart , played games, asked and answered questions, learned new words and played computer games. But we didn’t speak Russian because my teacher didn’t speak Russian. We also learned about English History.

          Now I speak English much better. I made a lot of friends in Scotland.

          I hope you will write a letter to me and tell about your school.

                                                                                             Your pen-friend, Dima.


Приложение 2








Favourite subjects



School uniform








Категория: Планы уроков | Добавил: Irina (03.10.2012)
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