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Главная » Статьи » Стихи, рифмовки, зарядка и др.

ABC Party

Ход праздника

Ведущий: Good morning, children!We are glad to see you here.

Let’s start with introducing. Your task is introduce yourself (What is your name, how old are you, how are you).

 Let’s begin our ABC-party. There are 26 letters. Letters, come here!

I. Представление букв (26 ребят, у каждого из которых на шее есть медальон с обозначением его буквы, по-одному выходят на сцену).

A: A is for apples and apple-trees,
You can see apple on apple-trees.

B: B is for books and for bookcase.
I have many books in my bookcase.

C: C is for cat. My cat is grey,
And with me it likes to play.

D: D is for dog and for doggy.
I have a dog, not a doggy.

E: E is for eight and for eleven.
How much is eight and eleven?

F: Flowers here, flowers there,
Flowers growing everywhere.

G: Look at me! I am the letter G.
G is for girl and also for a garden.

H: How many hands has a boy, say?
How many hands for work and play?
How many hands has a girl, say?
How many hands for work and play?

I: Ice-cream starts with the letter I,
But I think, I is for I.
I am a boy and I am ten.
I like to play with my brother Ben.

J: J is for jam. This is an apple jam.
Jimmy likes it and so does Sam.

K: K is for Kite. Kate has a Kite.
It is little and it is white.

L: I see a big yellow lion, a big yellow lion!
What a big yellow lion!
L is for lions!

M: I am the letter M.
M is for mouse.

N: One, two, three, four, five,
I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
I let it go again.

O: Give me an orange, orange, orange.
I don’t like to eat porridge, porridge.

P: Puppy, puppy, come to me.
Let us play under the tree.

Q: Lilies are white,
Rosemary’s green.
When you are King,
I will be Queen.

R: R is for rose,
That grows sweet and red.
"I take care at my roses,”-
Says little Ted.

S: S is for school
Where we go every day.
We learn to read, we learn to write
And after school we play.

T: T is for tail
And also for train.

U: In the streets the buses run,
Two by two, or one by one.

V: V is for van,
Which carries milk and rolls.

W: W is for window,
For wardrobe and walls.

X: X is for xylophone.

Y: Y is for yard.

Z: Z is for zebra,
To ride it is hard.

Ведущий: And now our children want to sing their favourite song.

II. "ABC” - song

A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,
Q, R, S, T, U, V, W,
X, Y, Z. Oh, well you see
Now we know the ABC.

Ведущий: Thank you, children! Let’s do physical exercises.

III. Физкультминутка. Ученики (стоя) хором рассказывают стихотворения, параллельно выполняя соответствующие движения.

Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet
Stamp your feet together.
Nod, nod, nod your head
Nod your head together.
Dance, dance, dance and dance,
Dance and dance together.

Ведущий: Do you know the colors?

IV. Конкурс "Цвета”.

На экране презентация с животными. Дети называют животное и его цвет.

It is a... It is…

V. Счет.

Ведущий: If you can count, let’s count.

Ученики получают раздаточный материал, где изображены животные, их задание сказать сколько животных они видят на картинке.

Ведущий: That’s great! And now I want you to ask the riddles. Please, don’t talk.

VI. Конкурс "Загадки”.

Учитель описывает животное, дети по описанию догадываются по какое животное идёт речь. Затем учитель показывает картинку с животным

  1. It can run and jump. It is not big. It is black, white or grey. It lives in the house. (a cat).
  2. It is big. It can run. It lives in the zoo. (an elephant). .
  3. It is red. It is not big. It can run and jump. It lives in the forest. (a fox).

Ведущий: And now let’s recite the poem "We like”. All together…

VII. Стихотворение.

Все ребята рассказывают стихотворение хором.

We like to read,
We like to play,
We like to study
Every day.
We like to run,
We like to jump,
We like to play
It’s fun.

Ведущий: My dear friends, our ABC-party is over. Thank you. Good-bye.



Категория: Стихи, рифмовки, зарядка и др. | Добавил: Irina (03.10.2012)
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